Pre-Race Newsletter for July 14th Mississauga Event

Hello Kit Kid Families!
Thank you for registering for the KITCan Mississauga kids triathlon event on July 14th, 2024. We look forward to seeing you at the race!  The focus of our event is on helping kids get active and have fun.  Let’s cheer on all our young athletes as they go through the race course!

We’ll also have some inflatables, face painter, balloon artist for the kids to enjoy as well as some complimentary coffee for mom and dad.

Remember to be prepared and check the weather forecast and be ready for rain or shine!

Times to Know
Saturday July 13, 11 am – 2 pm, inside the facility in the arena

Sunday July 14, opens 7:30am, Huron Park Recreation Centre under the “Be a Kit Kid” tents

Be sure to set up transition well before the swim check in time on your bib!

Athletes will be marshaled in waves, with the check-in time for each wave printed on the bib. Each athlete is assigned to a specific wave. The Start Marshall will call each wave by age, wave number, and bib number. Please be at the Swim Flags/ Marshaling Tent by the swim check-in time for your athlete’s wave – 15 min prior to their swim start. Check the start list for your athlete’s wave, bib number, and check-in time.

Exact start times will be emailed to you Friday morning. The approximate start times per age group are as follows:

Age            Marshall Time           Swim Start           
3-5 8:15 – 8:28 8:30 – 8:43
6-7 8:45 – 9:00 9:00 – 9:15
8-9 9:15 – 9:45 9:30 – 10:00
10-11 10:00 – 10:24 10:15 – 10:39

KITCan Missiassauga Triathlon – Details

Date: Saturday, July 13
Time: 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Location: Huron Park Recreation Centre arena
Address: 830 Paisley Blvd. W.,
Mississauga, Ontario, L5C 3P5

Please also be sure to review the FAQ section of our website beforehand as the answer(s) to your question(s) may already be found there.

Race Kit Pick Up Stations:
1. Race Bib Pick-up: Bibs available in age groups by race number
2. Kit Bag Pick-up: Kit bags have temporary tattoos, cowbells and a few other fun things.
3. Race T-Shirt Pick-up

Special Needs Children: If you have a child with special needs whom you feel should be visually identifiable as potentially needing more assistance as he/she goes through the race course, please let us know at the Registration Table.

Before Race Day, please be sure to check that your child’s bike is in proper working order and ensure that your child’s helmet fits well and is also in good working order. The chin strap on your child’s helmet should not be too loose, nor too tight — please ensure the chin strap fits your child properly prior to Race Day.

Date: Sunday, July 14
Time: Please refer to age-group specific set up times below
Location: Huron Park Recreation Centre 830 Paisley Blvd. W.,
Mississauga, Ontario, L5C 3P5 (MAP)
Parking: There is limited parking available at the Huron Park Recreation Centre on Race Day.  Additional parking for our event is available at these three nearby school properties (within walking distance):

1. St. Jerome Separate School: 790 Paisley Blvd. W., Mississauga, ON L5C 3P5 (CLICK HERE FOR MAP)
2. Hawthorn Public School: 2473 Rosemary Drive, Mississauga, ON L5C 1X1 (CLICK HERE FOR MAP)
3. Saint Martin Secondary School: 2470 Rosemary Drive, Mississauga, ON L5C 1X2 (CLICK HERE FOR MAP)

If parking at your own discretion on commercial lots or on residential streets, please kindly respect homeowners’ properties and also the City of Mississauga Parking By Laws.

Access to Huron Park: Please note that the access road to the Park from Queensway W. will be closed from 7:00 AM – 4:30 PM. Please use Paisley Blvd. to access the Park.

Race Day – Race Kit Pick-up:
Opens: 7:30 AM
Location: Under the “Be a Kit Kid” tents in the parking lot – look for the Race Kit Pick-up sign.
Note: Pick-up your child’s Race Kit prior to setting up your child’s equipment in Transition if you were unable to attend Race Kit Pick-up Day. However, there may be limited opportunity to ask questions once the Race Day has begun.

Arrival Times – Transition: All participants must be set up in Transition before heading to the swim start area. Please arrive early to allow yourself enough time to set up and to pick up your Race Kit if you did not do so at Race Kit Pick-up Day.

Transition Area – Set Up (Before Race)
• 1 parent per child allowed in for set up
• Set up quickly: no more than 5 minutes
• Use bike racks designated by age category
• Ensure bike is hung on the rack: ask volunteer for help if needed

Transition Area – During Race
• Age 3-5 category: 1 parent is allowed in to assist child
• Age categories 6+: parents are not allowed in the area. Children will receive assistance from volunteers if needed.

Items to Set Up in Transition:
Bike, helmet, towel, running shoes, water bottle, Race T-shirt with race bib pinned on front

Bike racks will be labeled by age group. Please be sure to rack your child’s bike on one of the racks designated for their age, set up any other items, and depart from Transition quickly. Volunteers will be available to provide assistance.

At all times during the race, a steady flow of athletes will be entering and exiting Transition after completing their swim. For the safety of everyone, please do not cross any race markers or barricades in Transition and follow the instructions provided by our Volunteer Crew. Please remember: Athletes always have the right of way

Washrooms & Changing Facilities: Located in the Community Centre. Participants are advised to arrive in their swimsuits.

Swim Check in Time: Please be sure to arrive at the Swim Flag/Marshaling tent (at the pool entrance building) for the Swim Check in ON TIME.  The Swim Check in is 15 min prior to your in water start time.  This allows time for our Marshals to bring the athletes by wave (one group of kids at a time) to the pool deck where each athlete will receive their timing anklet and be offered a life jacket if needed. Water wings and “puddle jumpers” are NOT permitted. Our Swim Captain will then give the athletes a quick set of instructions and into the water they go to start the race!

3-5 Year Olds: Kids in this age category MUST be accompanied by one parent who must remain within arm’s reach of the child at ALL times throughout the race, including in the pool for the swim portion of the race. Come prepared to swim with your child, regardless of their skill level.

Pool – Viewing the Swim Portion of Race: 6-9 year olds may bring 1 spectator on deck with them to watch the swim. For the spectators coming on deck, please remove shoes before entering the pool area. Spectators will enter the pool area via the same doors as the athletes and will then be directed to a designated viewing area on the pool deck. Please remain in this area until ALL athletes in your child’s wave have completed their swim. You may then follow the direction from our Volunteer Crew, who will help direct you outside via the same exit door as the athletes. You will exit right beside Transition where you can watch your child get on their bike. Please remember to not cross the race path of any athlete.
Athletes have the right of way. Safety First!


On-Site Paramedics: In the case of an on-site emergency or even a minor incident, our Paramedics will be located near the Finish Line.

What to Bring – Packing List: Helpful list of items to be prepared for Race Day:


  • Bike
  • Bike helmet
  • Goggles, if desired
  • Swimsuit
  • Running shoes (no sandals allowed)
  • Towel
  • Water bottle
  • Second pair of shoes – since athletes’ running shoes will be set up in Transition (to wear while waiting for wave to be called)
  • Race Bib plus safety pins to attach bib to Race T-shirt
  • Race T-shirt to wear over swimsuit to race in
  • Shorts to wear over swimsuit to bike and run in
  • Dry change of clothes for after the race
  • Participant Families & Spectators
  • Sunscreen, hat
  • Rain gear, umbrella, if needed
  • Snacks, beverages/refillable water bottle (food & drinks are not available for purchase at the event)
  • Phone/Camera

After the Race Day is done, visit for individual athlete race times. This is for personal reference only. Our event is non-competitive and athletes are not ranked.

Make your memories last. The excitement of the KITCan race will be captured by our own photographer. Photos will be uploaded in the days following the race, the link will be emailed out to everyone.

A special message to our young participants: Remember, it’s all about having Fun and feeling great while being active!

See you at the Race!


All the team at Triathlon Ontario